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Full Map Of Westeros World

Written by Ban Javo Feb 10, 2023 · 3 min read
Full Map Of Westeros World

Westeros is a fictional continent in the Game of Thrones series, created by George R.R. Martin. The continent is home to seven kingdoms, each ruled by a different house. The series has gained immense popularity for its intricate plot, fascinating characters, and detailed world-building. In this article, we will be exploring the full map of the Westeros world in detail.

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Full Map of Westeros World - A Complete Guide


Westeros is a fictional continent in the Game of Thrones series, created by George R.R. Martin. The continent is home to seven kingdoms, each ruled by a different house. The series has gained immense popularity for its intricate plot, fascinating characters, and detailed world-building. In this article, we will be exploring the full map of the Westeros world in detail.

The Seven Kingdoms

The seven kingdoms of Westeros are the North, the Iron Islands, the Riverlands, the Vale, the Westerlands, the Reach, and Dorne. Each kingdom has its own distinct culture, history, and ruling house. The North is ruled by House Stark, the Iron Islands by House Greyjoy, the Riverlands by House Tully, the Vale by House Arryn, the Westerlands by House Lannister, the Reach by House Tyrell, and Dorne by House Martell.

Question: Who rules the Seven Kingdoms?

Answer: At the start of the series, the Seven Kingdoms are ruled by King Robert Baratheon. However, as the series progresses, different houses make their claim for the Iron Throne, leading to a power struggle and ultimately, a war.

The Wall and Beyond

The Wall is a massive ice barrier that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the lands beyond. It was built by the first men to keep out the White Walkers, a race of undead creatures that threaten to destroy humanity. Beyond the Wall lies the lands of the wildlings, a group of tribes that live in the harsh wilderness.

Question: What is the purpose of the Wall?

Answer: The Wall was built to keep out the White Walkers and other dangerous creatures from the lands beyond. It is guarded by the Night's Watch, a group of men sworn to protect the Seven Kingdoms from these threats.

Major Cities and Landmarks

Westeros is home to several major cities, including King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and Winterfell, the ancestral home of House Stark. Other important landmarks include the Eyrie, a castle located in the Vale, and Casterly Rock, the seat of House Lannister.

Question: What is the significance of King's Landing?

Answer: King's Landing is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms and serves as the seat of power for the ruling monarch. It is also a major hub for trade and commerce.

The Iron Throne

The Iron Throne is the seat of the king of the Seven Kingdoms. It is made of swords from the defeated enemies of the Targaryen dynasty, and is said to be cursed. The Iron Throne is the ultimate symbol of power and authority in Westeros, and many houses have fought and died for the chance to sit on it.

Question: What is the Iron Throne?

Answer: The Iron Throne is the seat of the king of the Seven Kingdoms. It is made of swords and is considered to be the ultimate symbol of power in Westeros.


The world of Westeros is vast and complex, with a rich history and intricate politics. The full map of the Westeros world is a fascinating study in geography and culture, and provides insight into the events and characters of the Game of Thrones series. Whether you are a fan of the books or the TV show, there is always something new to discover in this remarkable world.

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