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Use Map Lambda In Python

Written by Bon Jeva Jan 05, 2023 ยท 3 min read
Use Map Lambda In Python

map(lambda x: function(x), list)

Table of Contents

Python Tutorial Map Function and Lambda Tutorial, Lambda, Map
Python Tutorial Map Function and Lambda Tutorial, Lambda, Map from


Python is a high-level programming language that allows developers to write code in a more readable and concise way. Map lambda is one of the many built-in functions that Python offers, and it allows you to apply a function to each element of a list. In this article, we will explore the basics of map lambda in Python and how to use it effectively.

What is Map Lambda?

Map lambda is a built-in function that applies a function to each element of a list. It takes two arguments: a function and a list. The function is applied to each element of the list, and the result is returned as a new list. The syntax for map lambda is as follows:

map(lambda x: function(x), list)

How to Use Map Lambda in Python

Using map lambda in Python is simple. First, define the function that you want to apply to each element of the list. Then, use the map lambda function to apply the function to each element of the list. Here is an example:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

def square(x):

    return x * x

squared_numbers = list(map(lambda x: square(x), numbers))



[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

In this example, we define a function called square that returns the square of a number. Then, we use map lambda to apply the square function to each element of the numbers list. The result is a new list called squared_numbers that contains the squared values of the original list.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the advantage of using map lambda in Python?
A: Map lambda allows you to apply a function to each element of a list quickly and easily. It is a concise way of performing a repetitive task without having to write a loop. Q: Can you use map lambda with multiple lists?
A: Yes, you can use map lambda with multiple lists. However, the function must take the same number of arguments as the number of lists that you are using. Q: How do you use map lambda with a conditional statement?
A: You can use a conditional statement with map lambda by using a ternary operator. For example:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

even_numbers = list(map(lambda x: x if x % 2 == 0 else None, numbers))



[None, 2, None, 4, None]

In this example, we use a ternary operator to return None for odd numbers and the number itself for even numbers. The result is a new list called even_numbers that contains only the even numbers from the original list.


Map lambda is a powerful tool that allows you to apply a function to each element of a list quickly and easily. In this article, we have explored the basics of map lambda in Python, how to use it effectively and answered some common questions. By using map lambda, you can write more concise and readable code and save time in the process.
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