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Why Did Aegon Conquer Westeros

Written by Bon Jeva Apr 16, 2023 · 3 min read
Why Did Aegon Conquer Westeros

In the year 2 BC (Before Conquest), Aegon Targaryen was born on the island of Dragonstone. He was the son of Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon. Aegon was the last surviving member of the Targaryen bloodline and he was determined to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms that his ancestors once ruled.

Table of Contents

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and “Aegon(Targaryen), The Conquerer
The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and “Aegon(Targaryen), The Conquerer from

The Rise of Aegon Targaryen

In the year 2 BC (Before Conquest), Aegon Targaryen was born on the island of Dragonstone. He was the son of Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon. Aegon was the last surviving member of the Targaryen bloodline and he was determined to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms that his ancestors once ruled.

What Was the State of Westeros Prior to Aegon's Conquest?

Before Aegon's conquest, Westeros was divided into seven independent kingdoms, each ruled by a different king. The kingdoms were constantly at war with each other, vying for power and control over the land. The largest and most powerful of the kingdoms was the Kingdom of the Rock, ruled by the Lannisters of Casterly Rock.

What Was Aegon's Motivation for Conquering Westeros?

Aegon's motivation for conquering Westeros was twofold. First, he wanted to unite the Seven Kingdoms under one ruler to bring peace and stability to the land. Second, he wanted to establish the Targaryen dynasty as the ruling family of Westeros.

The Conquest of Westeros

In the year 1 AC (After Conquest), Aegon Targaryen landed on the shores of Westeros with his two sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, and their three dragons. Aegon quickly gained the support of the lords of the Riverlands and the Stormlands, and he launched a campaign to conquer the other kingdoms.

How Did Aegon Win the Loyalty of the Lords?

Aegon won the loyalty of the lords by offering them rewards and titles. He also used his dragons to intimidate his enemies and show his strength. Aegon was a charismatic leader and he was able to inspire loyalty and devotion in his followers.

What Role Did the Dragons Play in Aegon's Conquest?

The dragons played a crucial role in Aegon's conquest. The dragons were able to burn down castles and armies, making it nearly impossible for his enemies to resist. The dragons also symbolized the power and authority of the Targaryen family.

The Legacy of Aegon Targaryen

Aegon Targaryen's conquest of Westeros had a lasting impact on the Seven Kingdoms. He established the Iron Throne in King's Landing as the seat of power, and he created the Targaryen dynasty. Aegon's descendants ruled over Westeros for nearly three centuries until the War of the Usurper.

What Was the Significance of the Iron Throne?

The Iron Throne was a powerful symbol of the Targaryen dynasty's authority over Westeros. The throne was made of swords, symbolizing the conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. The Iron Throne also represented the power and wealth of the ruler who sat upon it.

How Did Aegon's Conquest Change Westeros?

Aegon's conquest brought an end to the constant warfare between the Seven Kingdoms. He united the kingdoms under one ruler, creating a powerful and stable nation. Aegon's conquest also introduced the Valyrian culture and customs to Westeros, including the tradition of marrying within the family.


Aegon Targaryen's conquest of Westeros was a pivotal moment in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. His determination and leadership united the kingdoms under one ruler, bringing peace and stability to the land. Aegon's legacy lived on through his descendants, who ruled over Westeros for centuries.

What Lessons Can We Learn from Aegon's Conquest?

Aegon's conquest teaches us the importance of leadership, determination, and unity. It shows us that a strong leader can bring peace and stability to a land torn apart by war. Aegon's conquest also teaches us the importance of respecting different cultures and traditions.

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